Tuesday, 05 September 2023 09:21

Springfield Teachers Prepare for a Possible Strike Featured

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A potential teachers strike is looming for the Springfield Local School district after the teachers union voted on August 28th to authorize a 10-day strike notice with negotiations on a new contract breaking down.

The Beacon Journal reports that the strike authorization vote by members of the Springfield Local Association of Classroom Teachers came after months of failed negotiations with the district administration that began back in May. 

In news release union spokesperson Beau Grubbs said that “As educators, each member of SLACT is deeply committed to the success of every student,” adding that “we believe that Superintendent Shelley Monachino and the Board of Education need to deliver a fair contract that addresses those issues which are impacting our students and our community."

Superintendent Monachino declined to comment on the negotiations noting that the bargaining process is confidential and it would be “inappropriate to disclose any of the specifics.”

In a letter to district parents, the SLACT highlighted teacher retention and the impact of larger class sizes on behavior as some of the challenges the district is facing. 

School administrators and the union negotiators are set to meet again, this time with the help of a federal mediator, on Wednesday at 5pm.

Read 2112 times Last modified on Tuesday, 05 September 2023 09:26