Wednesday, 30 August 2023 09:36

Summit Health Warns about Wild Mushrooms Featured

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Don't eat that mushroom! 

You may have noticed more wild mushrooms popping up in your yard as a result of our recent damp weather. But the Summit County Health Department is reminding residents that it’s not safe to eat wild mushrooms because some mushroom varieties in Ohio are very poisonous. 

Calls to the Ohio Poison Control Centers relating to toxic mushroom exposure have increased statewide, with many of those cases apparently due to “backyard foraging."

The Health Department reminds you that, as a rule, you should stay away from wild mushrooms and make sure to keep children and pets away.

If you find wild mushrooms in your yard:

  • Do not consume the mushrooms; they can be deadly.
  • Carefully disposing of wild mushrooms will likely help stop the spread.
  • Remove the mushroom from the ground as soon as you see the cap.
  • Put the mushroom in a plastic bag, tie the bag up tightly, and throw away the bag in the
  • trash can.
  • Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water.

If you or anyone in your household ingests a wild mushroom and starts feeling sick, please seek medical attention immediately.

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