Wednesday, 22 March 2023 10:07

Akron Mayor Dan Horrigan's Last "State of The City" Address Featured

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Akron Mayor Dan Horrigan gave his final "State of The City" address today at the John S. Knight Center, in downtown Akron.

During his speech, the Mayor did not shy away from controversial topics, such as violence in the schools, and last summer's police shooting of Jayland Walker, the black man who died in a hail of bullets from police after they said he shot at them during a car chase on the highway.

Eight officers opened fire on Walker after he jumped out of his car, when he finally got off the highway and pulled into a parking lot. It was only after he was dead, that officers realized he had not been holding a gun when he made what they said were "threatening" gestures towards them. Instead, they said, his gun was found on the seat of his car.

Exactly what happened, why, and whether or not the shooting was legally justified, is still under review by the Ohio Department of Criminal Investigations, and Ohio Attorney General, Dave Yost said recently that the matter will likely be turned over to a grand jury in Columbus sometime in April.

With that in mind, watch and listen now as Horrigan talks about what led him to seek public office, how his perception of what it means to serve has changed over the years, and the hopes he has for the City as he steps away from the spotlight, and hands over the reigns to whoever comes next in the Mayor's office.

Seven candidates–all Democrats–are vying for that position now, with voters getting their chance to choose, in the upcoming May primary. Since no Republicans are running; whoever wins the primary will run unopposed in the November General Election.

But before that happens; last words now, from two-term, Democratic Akron Mayor, Dan Horrigan:

**Note**The Mayor actually starts speaking at 7:19 into this video**

Read 1818 times Last modified on Thursday, 23 March 2023 04:55