There's probably no better day than today, while we're in the midst of a global Microsoft outage caused by a faulty CrowdStrike cybersecurity update, to talk about how big, high tech systems can, and do, fail.
That's why Summit County is now hosting Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) equipment on its radio tower at Summit Emergency Communications Center. They're doing so in an effort to ensure reliable communication throughout the county, and with state partners in the event of an emergency.
Did you know, for example, that you can actually send email via radio signals? No? Well, neither did I, until I talked to Summit County ARES Emergency Coordinator, Ken Dorsey.
Find out how "Ham" radio operators are a vital part of our local emergency response network, and how the legacy technology has evolved keep up with the times, since its inception, way back in 1909. Listen now.
You can also find out more about how ARES is working with Summit County Emergency Management, by clicking here.
You can also find out more about how ARES is working with Summit County Emergency Management, by clicking here.