Friday, 24 February 2023 10:52

Akron Teachers Union Gives Support to the School Board Featured

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The unions at Akron public schools are throwing their support behind the school board after the recent resignation of Akron Public School's Superintendent Christine Fowler-Mack. 

The Akron Beacon Journal reports that a letter signed by the Akron Education Association and 4 other unions in the district, states that it was the school board and not Fowler-Mack that prevented a teacher’s strike from occurring last January. 

The letter states that, "It was only hours before Akron was to witness the first teacher strike in more than 30 years that the Board stepped in and collaboratively worked out an agreement to prevent a work stoppage.”

The school board backs that story, saying that after months of failed negotiations the board stepped in at the 11th hour and hammered out a deal with the teachers union in about a half an hour.

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