Tuesday, 21 February 2023 11:02

Kent Police Ordered To Release Video & Pay Fine Featured

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Kent Police not only have to turn over video footage of an April, 2022 arrest that they denied to a citizen who requested it under the terms of Ohio's public records law; they also have to pay a $1 thousand dollar penalty to that citizen for failing to promptly fulfill his request.
That's the word from the Ohio Supreme Court, in the case of Matthew Lusane, who requested any and all video of the incident from police body and cruiser dash cams, but was told that the portions of the video covering the arrest were "exempt" from Ohio Public Records law.
Although the law does allow police to redact some portions of video that they take, they have to explain why they did it, and in this case; they did not.
In addition, if they don't hand it over in a timely fashion; they have to pay a $100 dollar per day penalty, up to $1 thousand dollars to the person who requested it.
Read more about the Supreme Court ruling, on Court News Ohio.
Read 2634 times Last modified on Tuesday, 21 February 2023 11:26