Wednesday, 24 April 2019 10:43

Ray Horner Podcast - 4/24/2019 Featured

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:17 - The Joe Biden phenomenon, or lack thereof, seems to have died down, even though if he ran for president, he’d be the frontrunner as of April 2019. The panel talked about how Biden’s allure may have faded, either due to his touchy-feely displays of affection or him being "too safe" a candidate for the Left.

8:09 - The Indians’ offensive struggles continues, and just how much solid ground is the pitching staff standing on? Tribe broadcaster Jim Rosenhaus joined the show to discuss the state of the team.

13:39 - The Dru Joyce Classic is happening on Saturday, featuring teams from all over the planet coming to Akron. The man behind the tournament, Dru Joyce himself, joined the program to promote the festivities.

19:50 - One of the most common injuries with younger athletes are stress fractures. Akron Children’s Hospital’s Dr. Joe Congeni has seen his share of them over the decades, and he stopped by to break down the breakdowns.

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