Wednesday, 18 March 2020 09:23

Ray Horner Podcast - 3/18/2020 Part 2

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:17 - Many businesses and retail stores have closed up shop during the Coronavirus outbreak and lockdown, but the essential services are still open. News 5’s Jonathan Walsh gave an update on consumer goods, which includes the hoarding of toilet paper.

10:04 - Are you bored at home now that your local fitness center is shut down? John MacDonald from the University of Akron’s Student Recreation and Wellness center has some tips.

15:25 - Working from home during this time of quarantine? What equipment and software programs are conducive to staying productive inside? Mark Welfley from Welfley Technologies in Fairlawn has the listeners covered.

Wednesday, 18 March 2020 09:21

Ray Horner Podcast - 3/18/2020 Part 1

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:17 - It’s Wednesday, and the news of COVID-19 continues to be at the top of everyone’s minds. Ray catches the listeners up on the latest news.

3:57 - Though she may be retired from the Summit County Health Department, Dr. Margo Erme took some time to share her expertise in the world of virus prevention.

15:15 - How about the Coronavirus from a global standpoint? Pamela Falk from CBS is live at the United Nations.

19:55 - School is out of session for now, but what is the next step for the University of Akron? President Dr. Gary Miller discussed it, saying the commencement will indeed be postponed till perhaps later in the summer.

Tuesday, 17 March 2020 13:45

67 Cases of COVID-19 in Ohio

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The Ohio Department of Health has confirmed 67 cases of COVID-19 coronavirus in the state so far, with 17 of those patients now in the hospital. Five people have been confirmed to have it in Summit County; four women, and one man.

Governor Mike DeWine this week ordered the closure of public places like bars, restaurants, gyms, fitness centers, recreation centers, bowling alleys, movie theaters, indoor water parks, and trampoline parks. Gatherings of more than 50 were people have been banned, then scaled down to 10 people, per federal guidelines.

In addition; this week's primary election was postponed until (likely) June 2, and Governor DeWine says voters will have plenty of time and opportunity to cast their ballots.

Grocery stores, pharmacies, banks, and gas stations will stay open.

Click here to see and hear Governor DeWine's March 17 press conference, also featuring new information from Ohio Health Department Director Amy Acton, and the head of the Ohio Hospital Association.

Tuesday, 17 March 2020 08:39

Ray Horner Podcast - 3/17/2020

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:17 - With the COVID-19 lockdown in place in Ohio, it doesn’t feel like St. Patrick’s Day. Coming out of Monday, Governor Mike DeWine ordered all gyms/fitness centers, movie theaters, and trampoline parks to close. Ray and the panel shared some information, as well as the potential (and inevitable) economic impact the lockdown will have.

11:10 - Cleveland Clinic announced their drive-thru testing for the Coronavirus over the weekend, but what about Summa Health? President and CEO Dr. Cliff Deveny instructed the listeners to consult with their doctors in order to get tested.

18:49 - How is the Akron Fire Department and EMS training during this Coronavirus outbreak? Lt. Sierjie Lash discussed how the first responders will prepare.

Kent State University reducing on-campus operations until further notice. Only a limited number of employees will be asked to report in person to work, in areas such as health sevices, public safety, information technology, and residence services.

More details here, from the notice they sent to students, faculty, and staff:

Kent State University:

Due to the rapid spread of COVID-19 and in accordance with Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine’s recommendations, Kent State is reducing on-campus operations at 5 p.m. today until further notice.

Only a limited number of employees will be asked to report to their campus. Areas requiring at least a minimal physical presence on campus include health services, public safety, information technology, residence services, dining services, mail services, facilities and a few research laboratories. Units designated for on-campus service will operate with limited staff in rotation. Employees needing to take home technology or other items to work remotely should clear this with their supervisors. Tomorrow, most buildings will be locked. Voting will go on as planned tomorrow in the Warren Student Recreation and Wellness Center.

Employees should discuss their work requirements with their supervisors, as sustained availability in a virtual sense is vital for serving the needs of our students as they continue their studies.

Faculty and staff will find additional information, including information about technology for working remotely, at Keep On Working or Kent State’s coronavirus information page. For questions regarding COVID-19, call 1-833-4ASKODH or Kent City Health Department at 330-678-8109.

We urge all Kent State community members to sign up for Flash ALERTS to receive crisis communications through the emergency text system.

We must all do our part to slow the spread of the virus and decrease the surge on our health system. Please heed the recommendations of our governor and state health officials by remaining at home, going out only when necessary and adhering to social distancing practices.

Anyone who believes they have been in close contact (within approximately 6 feet for a prolonged period of time) with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 should self-isolate. If you have had close contact with a person with COVID-19 and develop symptoms such as fever (temperature greater than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit), cough or difficulty with breathing, seek medical advice by calling your local health provider or local health department. Also, if you feel you need emergency care, call ahead to the emergency room to notify them of your recent exposure to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.

Continue to Take Preventative Measures

It is imperative that we take steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19:

Avoid large gatherings and follow social distancing recommendations of 3-6 feet.
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
Avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes.
Cover coughs and sneezes with your arm or a tissue.
Avoid exposure to others who are sick.
Stay home while you are ill (except to visit a healthcare professional) and avoid close contact with others.
Get adequate sleep and eat well-balanced meals to ensure a healthy immune system.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
Additional information can be found here:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Ohio Department of Health
The health and safety of our Kent State community is of the highest importance. During this challenging time, let’s all remember to show kindness and respect in all we do because Flashes take care of Flashes.


Summit County is making Coronavirus-related changes to they do business, including temporary suspension of public access to many of their agencies including Building Standards, Clerk of Courts, County Prosecutor, and Sheriff's Office. See below for full list, and more details.

March 16 Updates to Summit County Continuity of Services

SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO—The following offices and agencies have offered updated guidance as to how the public should expect to interact in the coming days and weeks. Guidance is subject to change. Some county offices have temporarily suspended public access. Information for cities, villages and townships offices has also been included.

Building Standards: Beginning Monday, March 16, 2020 at 12 p.m., Summit County Department of Building Standards will temporarily suspend public access at the 1030 E. Tallmadge Ave. location. The office will continue to accept permit requests, inspection requests, and plan submittals through, mail or email. If you currently have access to as a registered contractor, continue using this option for applying for permits and scheduling inspections. If you are applying for a permit, scheduling inspections or submitting plans, with no access to BS&A, please complete the proper forms located on our Building Standards website, You may mail the completed forms into our office, or email documents to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Payments can be made through the Official Payments website,, as we will only be taking Credit Card payments at this time.

Board of Elections: Polls will be open on March 17 from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Some polling locations have changed. Information about the 10 polling locations that moved can be found at

Job and Family Services: Beginning March 16 at 12 p.m., Summit County Department of Job and Family Services (JFS) will temporarily suspend public access at the 1180 S. Main St. and 1040 E. Tallmadge Ave. locations. Documents and correspondence can be uploaded at, faxed to 866-351-8292, dropped in the exterior drop box at the S. Main location, or mailed to 1180 S Main St, Suite 102, Akron OH 44301-1256.
To apply for, renew or update cash, food, medical or child care assistance, call 1-844-640-6446 or apply online at To report abuse, neglect or exploitation of seniors, please call 330-643-7217.

Community Development: As of March 16, Home Weatherization Program, Lead Remediation Program, HSTS (septic replacement program), and Minor Home Repair Program work has been rescheduled.

Sanitary Sewer Services: Beginning March 16 at 12 p.m., Sanitary Sewer Services will temporarily suspend public access. Residents can pay their sewer bill online at or use the drop box location at 1180 S. Main St in Akron. Only checks may be deposited in the drop box. In case of an emergency, staff can be reached 24 hours a day at 800-828-2087.

Animal Control: Beginning March 16 at 12 p.m., Animal Control will temporarily suspend public access. Volunteer services are suspended until further notice. Until public access has been restored, only law enforcement will be able to make drops off at Animal Control. Members of the public who wish to be reunited with their animal should call 330-643-2845 to schedule an appointment.

Clerk of Courts: Services will restricted starting Monday March 16 at noon in the interest of public health. E-Filing and online public record requests will continue as normal. The Clerk’s Courthouse lobby will close; the only exception to this closure is for the filing of protection orders. Processing of background checks is suspended until further notice. Pro se litigants are encouraged to utilize our electronic filing system or mail in their filings to our office at 205 S. High St., Akron, OH 44308. Title offices in Akron, Green, Fairlawn, and Northfield will close until further notice. Dealer title work can be submitted electronically or the title work can be dropped off at the Main Title office and picked up the following day. For the public, customers who have title processing needs, please call the Main Title office at 330-630-7200 to facilitate processing title by mail. Call 330-643-2212 for more information.

Engineer: Person-to-person interactions will be limited at the main administration building located at 538 East South Street in Akron and the public services administration office located at 601 East Crosier Street in Akron, and the Boston Mills Station located at 1928 Boston Mills Road in Boston Township. All non-essential meetings are cancelled. Citizens, contractors, and developers are asked to conduct their business with the County Engineer’s Office through phone (330-643-2860), fax (330-762-7829), and email (general information email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) where possible. A drop off area will be established in the lobby of the main administration building at 538 East South Street for any consultants, contractors or developers needing to hand deliver plans and permits to the office. Road maintenance crews and construction and bridge inspectors will continue to operate as normal, keeping County roads and bridges safe for motorists. More information is available at

Fiscal: Beginning March 16 at 12 p.m., public access is suspended at the main branch at 175 S. Main St. in downtown Akron, and two satellite locations at 1030 E. Tallmadge Ave., Akron and 1180 S. Main St., Suite 250, Akron. The public may access Fiscal Office services by phone at 330-643-2632 or 330-643-2759, email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or online at

Sheriff: If the public has questions for the Sheriff’s Office, they should call the non-emergency dispatch number at 330-643-2181. A number of services at the jail have been suspended or altered, including contact visits. Please call for more information.

Prosecutor: Residents with urgent and specific questions about their case and any subsequent hearings should email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and include the following details: Name, Case #, Judge, Date of Next Hearing, Contact Information. More information is available at

Child Support Enforcement Agency: Payments can be made online, by phone, mail or mobile app. Parents and caretakers can access their case information, including payment status and payment history, through the state of Ohio’s Child Support Customer Service Portal. More information is available at, and you can email them, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Common Pleas Court: All trials are suspended through March 27, with the exception of Stanley Ford. Inmates will not be transported from the Summit County Jail to the courthouse for fourteen days. All civil matters will be handled through telephone or video calls, and all mediation sessions will be suspended. People on probation who are scheduled to report should do so via telephone, and should expect to be contacted by the Summit County Adult Probation Department. More information is available at

Domestic Relations Court: Remember the Children on March 21 and Working Together Program on March 26 have been cancelled. The Court will conduct certain business such as Initial Pretrial Conferences, Settlement Conferences, Motions for Temporary Orders by telephone only. Special arrangements can be made for Uncontested Divorce and Dissolution. More information is available at

Juvenile Court: Court hours are modified to 8:00 am-4:30 pm. The preferred method of filing pleadings with the Court is via mail to 650 Dan Street, Akron 44310 or via fax to 330-643-2987. The Public is encouraged to contact their Court Worker with questions. If a person is unsure of who to call, they can call the Juvenile Court main number at 330-643-2900. More information is available at

Probate Court: Consider utilizing the eFiling option which can be used for any filing. Many court appearances can be changed to telephone statuses. If you are set for a status, please contact the Court to change it to a phone status. More information is available at

Ninth District Court of Appeals: The Court will consider all cases on the briefs instead of hearing oral arguments. The Court will file orders in cases that are scheduled for oral argument alerting the parties that the cases will be considered by the Court on the briefs. If a party objects to the submission on briefs, the Court will either schedule telephonic oral argument or continue the case for oral argument at a later date. More information is available at

Developmental Disabilities Board: Staff are encouraged to coordinate phone meetings and video conferencing in place of in-person meetings and visits. Staff will continue to monitor services, offer technical support, conduct compliance reviews as needed and investigate any Major Unusual Incidents. More information is available at

Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services Board: Residents feeling overwhelmed or troubled by the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak or any situation requiring emotional support should call 330-434-9144.

Children Services Board: The Child Abuse Prevention Month events and activities previously scheduled during the month of April are cancelled. Training events sponsored by the Northeast Ohio Regional Training Center are canceled through April 18th. Volunteer programs and ability to accept donations in our lobby have been suspended for a minimum of 30 days, including the Easter Basket Program. More information is available at

Veterans Service Commission: A series of new processes and procedures to help ensure the wellbeing of the community and staff are in place. Any scheduled public meetings in Freedom Hall have been cancelled until further notice. More information is available at

Direction Home Akron Canton: There have been no significant changes to processes and procedures. All programs continue to provide services, and telephonic systems are being developed by the Ohio Departments of Aging and Medicaid to reduce face to face contacts.

United Way 2-1-1: Residents in need of food, shelter, utility assistance or other necessities should call 2-1-1 or visit Support the community through the Akron Summit County COVID-19 Emergency Support Fund. Donate at; 100% of donations will go toward crisis relief.

Coventry Township:(Trustees/Fiscal): 330-644-0785, ext. 690 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Zoning: 330-644-0785, ext. 695 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Road: 330-644-0785, ext. 680 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Fire: 330-644-3228 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Dial 9-1-1 emergencies.

All Summit County offices are working closely with the Public Health Department in monitoring the ongoing COVID-19 situation. The continuity of services is subject to directives from the Governor and Summit County Public Health. For the most up-to-date information on the current status of the outbreak, please visit or


Monday, 16 March 2020 11:42

University of Akron Going Strictly Online

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The University of Akron has announced extra percautions in wake of the COVID-19 outbreak.

After extending spring break to the end of March, the University has decided to go strictly online with classes beyond that point.

The school will also close all residence halls (with limited exceptions) after the recommendations of Ohio Governor Mike DeWine. All students must be moved out of these halls by Wednesday, March 18th at 11 p.m.

Most University employees will begin working remotely, as the school will move to essential services only in campus operations. 

Click here for more from the University of Akron

Monday, 16 March 2020 08:18

Ray Horner Podcast - 3/16/2020

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:17 - Coming out of the weekend, Governor Mike DeWine announced that all bars and restaurants will close until further notice, due to the spread of the Coronavirus. Ray rattled off some information as gathered on Monday morning.

8:37 - Akron mayor Dan Horrigan discussed what is on his plate, and how the city plans on managing and following proper protocol.

15:49 - As far as the school district goes, the students will use up their calamity days and extend the school year into the summertime. Akron Public Schools superintendent David James talked about the hot meal distribution the district is heading up, as well as how the students can extend their education from home.

Monday, 16 March 2020 07:07

COVID-19: Summit County Office Closures

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The following was posted to Summit County Executive Ilene Shapiro's Facebook page Monday morning: 

Summit County

Sunday, 15 March 2020 17:02

DeWine: All Bars & Restaurants Must Shut Down

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All dine-in bar and restaurants ordered shut down as of 9PM Sunday. Carry out and delivery is still permitted. Governor Mike DeWine calling it a matter of life and death. The State is also going to offer some new Unemployment assistance to help mitigate the effect it will have on business throughout the state. DeWine says he know there will be suffering caused by this order, but they are trying to save lives.

Dr. Amy Acton, who heads the Ohio Department of Health says that so far they have tracked 36 positive cases, 350 cases are under investigation, and many, many others are already infected. 11 people are hospitalized so far. Testing is lagging, so she calls what they know so far is just the tip of the iceberg. "Timing is everything, and everything matters."

Follow this link to the Ohio Channel to watch the Governor's press conference. Ohio Channel-Governor's Press Conference

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