Thursday, 13 May 2021 11:10

Governor to Lift Health Orders, Incentivize Vaccine Featured

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Vaccine Vaccine

During his statewide address Wednesday, Governor Mike DeWine announced that as of June 2nd, three weeks from Wednesday, the state will lift all remaining health orders. 

As of Wednesday's update from the governor, the state was a 123 cases of COVID-19 per hundred thousand residents. Governor DeWine noted that we are getting closer and closer to that goal of 50 cases per hundred thousand which was set weeks ago as the benchmark for when health orders would be lifted.

Now it appears even if Ohio doesn't quite reach that goal of 50 cases per 100,000, those health orders will be lifted regardless. 

Additionally, the state is now offering major incentives for Ohioans to get vaccinated.
Any Ohioan aged 18 and older who has received at least the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine is eligible to win up to a million dollars. The state will hold one drawing every week starting on May 26th and every week for five weeks. Additionally, Ohioans under the age of 18 who have been vaccinated are eligible to win a four-year paid scholarship to the Ohio college or university of their choice. 
The move, the governor says, is to encourage as many eligible Ohioans as possible to get vaccinated as he explains the fight against COVID-19 is far from over. 
Read more details on the state health orders and the vaccine lottery at the state's website here
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