Tuesday, 06 February 2018 11:51

Akron Art Library Coming Soon

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Soon, you will be able to check out a piece of local art like you can any library book, movie, or piece of music today. 

Through a partnership between the Akron-Summit County Public Library and the Akron Art Museum, beginning later this month, anyone with a library card will be able to check out local art for up to four weeks. Like any other item you can borrow from the library, you can renew the art, provided no one else has reserved it, for another four more weeks, up to 5 times. 

As of right now, there are 27 pieces of art that users can check out. 

Akron Art Museum Director of Education spoke with Cleveland.com saying, "We want to show we can trust the public with works of art." 

Having said that, the library says the fine for not returning a piece of art is $500, and late fees are a little heftier; 50 cents per day. 

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