Friday, 05 June 2020 08:41

Ray Horner Podcasts - 6/5/2020 Featured

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Part 1

:17 - Akron mayor Dan Horrigan joined the show for the second time this week to touch on the protests and allowing more opportunities for minority business owners in the city. He was also asked about reconsidering a reinstatement of summer events with the state reopening for the most part.

9:26 - With a slew of movie and entertainment news, Scott Wynn is here for you. His word of advice before heading to the drive-in: check to see if tickets are sold out, or if a high school commencement is preempting the movies.

14:23 - Gyms were another area that have been reopened the last week or so, but what steps are they going to take to ensure safety, sanitization, and social distance? Scott Crabiel is a personal training coordinator at Cleveland Clinic-Akron General at their Bath facility, and he mentioned the steps they’ve taken and how exercise is great for mental health.

20:49 - Our morning show golf pro Dan Dauk came on board, since golfers can’t wait to get out of the house and hit the links.

Part 2

:17 - With most areas of Ohio reopened, from retail to restaurants activities, amusement parks such as Cedar Point and Kings Island are still waiting on the high sign to open their gates. The morning show panel discussed the possibility of these places reopening, even at, say, 30% capacity.

11:29 - The markets have seen a nice rebound with states slowly reopening, and investors are paying attention to this and a possibility of a second wave of an outbreak due to the recent protests. Capital Financial Group’s Richard Peterson talked about the markets and investing in precious metals.

21:58 - The NBA is returning for a quick season wrap-up before the playoffs, but the Cavaliers will not be invited.

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