Tuesday, 28 May 2019 09:58

Ray Horner Podcast - 5/28/2019 Featured

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:17 - Sad news in the sports world coming out of Memorial Day weekend that Bill Buckner passed away at the age of 69. Even though he’s notoriously known for his error that ended Game 6 of the 1986 World Series, Ray and Tony talked about what a solid player Buckner was for the Dodgers and Cubs throughout the ‘70s and ‘80s. 5:15 - The Indians’ Bob DiBiasio joins the program every Tuesday (yes, today is Tuesday), and he talked about Travis Hafner, more on Bill Buckner, and baseball being played at League Park again. 13:03 - The country of Nepal has seen an influx of tourism over the last few decades due to folks wanting to climb Mount Everest. In 2019, eleven people have already died trying to reach the summit, including two from America. 17:34 - Basketball is a two-armed game for most, but Kevin Atlas (Laue) defied the odds. His Believe in You Challenge is what it sounds like, believing in oneself and the powers that may come from within. Atlas joined the Ray Horner Morning Show to share his inspiring story.

Read 2399 times Last modified on Tuesday, 28 May 2019 10:01