Friday, 19 April 2019 08:48

Ray Horner Podcast - 4/19/2019 Featured

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:17 - The New York Yankees announced they will stop playing the Kate Smith version of “God Bless America” after news of her singing songs deemed racist by today’s standards were uncovered. Ray applauds the Yankees for taking this measure, while Tony feels this could lead to a slippery slope in “cancel culture."

10:05 - The un-redacted version of the Mueller Report was released yesterday, and while this cleared President Trump of Russian collusion, there is still talk of obstruction of justice. Dr. David Beer, professor of political science at Malone University,

19:00 - Movie theaters and box offices will be a tad light this holiday weekend, due to the new Avengers film getting released next week. Scott Wynn is our movie guy, and he mentioned what little is happening at the theaters.

21:40 - A favorite topic of the morning show is chain restaurants from yesteryear. Specifically, what the panel’s least favorite chain restaurant food is.

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