Tuesday, 24 April 2018 09:05

AUDIO: Joey Arrietta on Future of Akron Racers

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The uncertainty on the future of the Akron Racers has been a topic of speculation for months. However, a recent settlement has provided a sliver of clarity for 2019.

Joey Arrietta joined the Ray Horner Morning Show to update the listeners on the goings on these last few months. Like the Cleveland Browns in 1996, the goal for Joey was to retain the Racers name, colors, and tradition, and that has been the case for the Racers, as well. The new incarnation of the Racers will not have any connection to the Cleveland Comets.

Looking back on what has been built since 1999, Joey is proud of the potential for a new team in 2019. She looks forward to speaking with local businesses and investors, especially with the lure of historic Firestone Stadium and the Racers foundation.

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