Akron Police are investigating the sudden death of a one year old boy, and are asking for tips to help them determine exactly how it happened.
They say they arrived at a home in the 600 block of Hancock Avenue at about 2PM Thursday afternoon, after a report of a cardiac arrest. There, the first officer on the scene started CPR until EMS arrived.
The child was pronounced dead after being transported to Akron Children's Hospital.
Police say they talked to witnesses and analyzed the scene, but they're still looking for more information. Anyone who can help, is asked to call Akron Detectives at 330-375-2490 or 330-375-2Tip.
You can also provide anonymous nformation, by contacting The Summit County Crimestoppers, call 330-434-COPS, or you can Text TIPSCO with your tips to 274637.
In addition, you can download the Akron PD app and submit information by texting Tips411 or accessing the link on the Akron Police website; www.AkronCops.org.