Wouldn't it be great if all the plastic that clogs our landfills and oceans could be easily and cheaply recycled, and then turned into new plastic that is just as strong and useful as the original?
That's what scientists at the University of Akron have been wondering, and now one of them has come up with a new way to recycle plastic using just light, air, and an easily obtainable and abundant chemical catalyst.
We'll hear today from Associate Professor of Polymer Science, Dr. Junpen Wang, along with Vice President for Research and Business Engagement, Dr. Suzanne Bausch from the University of Akron, where they are moving full steam ahead on a major new push in the quest for sustainable polymers, fueled in large part by a recently obtained $51 million dollar federal grant.
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Dr. Junpen Wang, University of Akron
Dr. Suzanne Baush, University of Akron