Wednesday, 30 March 2022 16:12

This Week in Tech with Jeanne Destro-4-1-22: A Tale of Two Startups

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Two very different Ohio startups are in the spotlight this week, both offering innovative ideas that can solve big problems, and maybe even save lives.

Robotic Maintenance Vehicles is headquartered in Alvordton, OH, about 45 miles West of Toledo, and is seeking customers now for its new A-I enabled Robobotic Crack Sealer, that can replace human road repair crews who are often killed or injured on the job by distracted drivers.

21.09.08 rmv 1

We'll also hear from a Worthington, Ohio-based "smart clothing" company, FlexEnergy, LLC. They are in the process of developing a flexible and washable battery, that can be embedded into clothing to power all kinds of products, including patient health-monintoring hospital gowns, and military uniforms that can charge mobile phones.

Flexible battery

Featured guests include RMV Account Manager, Tyler Roth, and FlexEnergy, LLC Chief Operating Officer, Ramachandra Rao Revur.

Tyler Roth

Tyler Roth, Account Manager, Robotic Maintenance Vehicles

Ramachandra Rao Revur

Ramachandra Rao Revur, C-O-O, FlexEnergy, LLC

Read 3897 times Last modified on Monday, 04 April 2022 11:12